
In a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 | 校园安全: (509) 527-2222





注意: Local area code is (509)

Non-emergency business numbers

Counseling and Testing Center........527-2147
Risk & 安全管理.............527-2550
Mental 健康 Crisis Line.................524-2999
中毒控制中心............(800) 732-6985



  1.  你的位置
  2.  The nature of the emergency
  3.  Phone number from which you are calling
  4.  你的名字
  5.  Other information as directed
  6.  不要挂断电话,除非有直接威胁到你的安全
  7.  Report any accident or injury to WWU >.

Reporting an accident or injury

  • All injuries or accidents on campus should be reported.
  • Call 911 in the event of death or major injury.
  • Report work-related accidents to your supervisor.
  • An injured employee and their supervisor must complete a Work-Related Accident/Incident Reportand Accident Investigation Report available from Risk and 安全管理: 527-2250.
  • An injured student or university guest should complete an Accident/Incident Report available from the College Place 健康诊所: (509) 382-8349.
  • 下班后,这两份报告可从校园安全:527-2222或在 aklim.net/accident-report.


  1. If you dis封面 or witness a death or major injury on campus, call 911 immediately.
  2. Call 校园安全, 527-2222, as soon as possible.
  3. 待在现场,直到你对执法人员做出陈述. Do not disturb the scene.
  4. Do not discuss the even with anyone other than those directly involved and law enforcement.
  5. 如有传媒联络,请向大学关系部查询.
  6. Seek emotional support. 辅导员可通过咨询和测试中心,527-2147.

Civil disturbances or demonstrations


  •  Interference with normal operations of the university
  •  防止进入办公室、建筑物或其他设施
  •  Threat of physical harm to persons or damage to facilities


  •  Alert persons in the area.
  •  Lock doors, secure files, documents, and equipment.
  •  如果接到指示,撤离大楼并与大楼协调员联系.
  • 等待进一步的指示,可能会通过公告或e2Campus发布 (text message, email, WWU website).



  • If you smell smoke or have other indication of fire, pull the closest fire alarm as you exit the building.
  • 如果发生火灾,立即拨打911,然后拨打校园保安527-2222.
  • 只有在火势很小且安全的情况下才能灭火. Use proper extinguisher.
  • As you exit, notify others in your vicinity if you can do so without increased danger to yourself.
  • Stay low and proceed to the nearest exit. 使用楼梯. 不要使用电梯.
  • 开门前,摸摸门的顶部或门把手. 如果这些地方不热,把自己靠在门上,稍微打开它.
  • If area is full of smoke, stay low to the floor. If possible, 封面 your face with a wet cloth.
  • If nearest exit is blocked, go to an alternate exit. If all exits are blocked, go to the room furthest from the fire, close the door and follow procedures below.
  • Evacuate to your designated assembly area (listed under "Building Evacuations" tab below).  Do not re-enter the building.
  • Notify the Building Coordinator and/or the first official you see of any occupants who have not yet evacuated, and cause of the alarm, 如果已知.


  • 关门,用衣服、胶带或其他材料封住裂缝.
  • To attract attention and signal for help, stand by window and/or hang an object out the window.


During the earthquake:


  • 呆在原地!
  • 降落,掩护,保持静止. Drop 在桌子、书桌或室内门道下面或旁边的.  收起你的头 封面 用你的手臂.  Hold onto the solid object you are near.
  • 避免窗户、文件柜、书柜或可能掉落或倒塌的物体.
  • Do not use the elevator.


  • Move away from buildings, trees, and electrical lines.

After the earthquake:

  • 检查受伤情况. Do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
  • 前往指定的集合区域,并向建筑协调员报到.
  • Be prepared for aftershocks.
  • Be aware of potential danger from gas or chemical leaks, fire, 倒下的电线, 受损的结构, 还有其他危害.
  • Report injuries or damage to the Building Coordinator, who will report to the 紧急 Operations Center.
  • Do not re-enter buildings with visible damage until the building has been cleared for occupancy.

Utility (electrical, plumbing, gas) failure


Call 校园安全, 527-2222, to report the building name, room number and type of failure/leak. Security will report the incident to 设施服务 and/or emergency dispatchers, depending on the severity of the incident.

Electrical/power failure/short

  • If there is an electrical short in equipment, immediately shut off the electricity, 如果安全的话,拔掉插头或关闭断路器.
  • Unplug as much other equipment as possible to prevent damage to the equipment when the power is off.

Plumbing failure/flooding

  • Stop using all electrical equipment.
  • Vacate the area of flooding. Shut off water and/or contain flooding, if possible.
  • In the event of widespread flooding, follow the instructions from appropriate authorities.


  • Cease all operations and evacuate the area.
  • 为避免爆炸,请勿操作电灯开关或任何设备.

Hazardous material spill


  • Unless you are CERTAIN it is safe to do so, 不要试图自己清理泄漏的有害物质.
  • Call 911 and report the nature, location and size of any spill or leak of hazardous materials.
  • Stop source of spill, if it is safe to do so. This would include shutting off valves, setting partially spilled bottles upright, 封闭的容器, etc.
  • Don’t touch or step in spilled materials.
  • Evacuate the building and check in at the assembly area (listed under the “Building Evacuation” tab below).
  • Close as many internal doors as possible.
  • Remain in the evacuation area to report appropriate information regarding the spill to responders on scene.


  • Location (floor, room number, location in room)
  • Has there been fire and/or explosion?
  • 任何伤害? 如果有,有多少?
  • What material spilled?
  • Physical state of material (solid, liquid, gas, combination)?
  • 是否有任何有害物质以蒸汽的形式从泄漏地点逸出, fumes, or running/dripping liquid?


  • 立即清洗受害者身上的物质,并脱掉被污染的衣服.
  • 如果眼睛受到污染,应立即用水冲洗.
  • 清洗皮肤和/或眼睛应持续15分钟.
  • First aid procedures should be started at once.
  • Unless seeking medical attention, 可能接触到泄漏物或辐射的人员应, 离开区域前, report to emergency personnel at the site and give name, 电话号码, 和地址.
  • 所需的清理工作将由有关当局指导.
  • Material 安全 Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for reference in each department where hazardous materials are stored or in use.



  • 喝大量的水或其他不含酒精或不含咖啡因的液体. Your body needs water to keep cool. Drink plenty of fluids even if you don't feel thirsty.
  • 慢下来. Reduce, eliminate or reschedule strenuous activities until the coolest time of the day. Children, seniors and anyone with health problems should stay in the coolest available place.
  • 夏天的着装. 穿轻便、浅色的衣服来反射热量和阳光.
  • 永远不要离开孩子 unattended in a vehicle, even with the windows down.



  • Stay OFF corded phones. You can use cellular or cordless phones.
  • Don't touch electrical equipment or cords. Unplug electronic equipment before the storm arrives.
  • Stay away from plumbing. Do not wash your hands, take a shower or wash dishes.
  • Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches. 不要躺在混凝土地板上,不要靠在混凝土墙上.


  • Take shelter in a building or hard-topped vehicle. Golf carts and riding lawnmowers are not safe.
  • There is no safe location outdoors during a lightning storm. Take shelter when you hear thunder and stay indoors until 30 minutes after the last thunderclap. 


  • 在室内躲避. Both kinds of storms can be highly damaging, 而沃拉沃拉山谷的历史上就有强风刮倒树木的历史, limbs and other debris. 


  • Travel only if utterly necessary, and exercise extreme caution in icy or sleeting conditions.
  • Check road conditions: www.fhwa.dot.gov / trafficinfo /
  • 穿多件衣服, lightweight layers and remove as necessary to avoid overheating and perspiration (and subsequent chill).
  • When walking, beware of slick sidewalks, roads and driveways. In icy or frosty conditions, it may be safer to walk on the grass rather than the sidewalk.


A number of emergencies could require you to shelter-in-place, such as a hazardous material spill in the local area, 恶劣天气, 或者校园暴力. 避难所 simply means creating a shelter where you are. Take shelter immediately; do not go looking for your coworkers, roommate or children. 如果你被要求就地避难,可能会持续几分钟或几个小时.

校园内的紧急警笛将会响起,示意大家进入避难所, and additional instructions will be given via e2Campus, 网站横幅, 和电子邮件. 地方广播电台和电视台也可能提供额外的资料.


  • Go to a small, interior room. In classroom buildings it may be best for entire classes to gather in large rooms so fewer rooms need to be air-proofed.
  • 在去你选择的避难所的路上,尽可能多地关上门窗. 除非你确定是非暴力紧急情况,否则封锁入口.
  • 如果建议这样做, 关闭所有风扇, 空调, heaters or anything that may draw air into a room. 关闭所有通风口. Using materials available to you, seal off vents and electrical outlets and create an airtight seal around windows and doors. Facilities Services may turn off all ventilation systems so no outside air is taken in.
  • 如果可能的话,通过当地广播电台(试试KONA 610 AM/105)监测情况.3 FM或KGTS 91.3 FM).
  • 在紧急救援人员的指示下不要离开房间.
  • 如果你住在学生宿舍或公寓,锁好所有的门窗, then move to an interior room and follow the above steps.
  • Unless it is known to be a non-violent emergency,Lock and barricade all access to your area
  • Turn off as many lights as possible
  • Be as quiet as possible
  • Plan your response should an intruder break into your area



Report all bomb threat calls by calling 911


Try to keep caller on the phone and ask:

  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • Where is the bomb located?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What does it look like?
  • Why did you place the bomb?

Record during call or immediately after:

  • Date and time of call
  • Exact words of the caller
  • Approximate age and gender
  • Speech pattern, accent
  • 情绪状态
  • 背景噪音

Spotting suspicious object:

  • If it is safe to do so, and you are comfortable doing so, check your area for suspicious objects.
  • 不要处理物体
  • Report location to 校园安全, 2222
  • Clear the area immediately
  • 校园保安或其他部门将在适当情况下下令疏散建筑物.

Criminal or violent behavior


  • If anyone is in immediate danger dial 911.
  • 报告所有攻击、抢劫、盗窃、公开的性行为等行为. to 校园安全, 527-2222, as soon as possible.
  • 毫不犹豫地报告犯罪行为,甚至是可疑行为.
  • 不要试图逮捕或干涉犯罪分子或暴力分子, except to protect yourself.

Information to note when reporting crime

自然/事件的位置  _____________________________________

Description of Vehicle:
牌照号码 ____________________


Type ____________________ Model ____________________ 
Description of Suspect:
Man ____________________ 女人 ____________________ 
少年 ____________________ Adult ____________________ 
头发的颜色 ____________________ 长度 ____________________ 
重量 ____________________ 高度 ____________________ 
Pants ____________________ Shirt ____________________ 
衣服 ____________________ Coat ____________________ 
Hat ____________________ Shoes ____________________ 

标志/疤痕/纹身  ________________________________________________
旅行的方向  ___________________________________________________
Description of Property (if stolen/damaged) _______________________________________________


If you are the victim of sexual assault:

  • 去一个安全的地方.
  • Call 911 for emergency help.
  • Immediately report an assault to the police.
  • Seek medical attention immediately.
  • Do not bathe or shower before visiting medical facility.
  • 拨打校园保安,527-2222,即使你不想起诉.
  • Seek emotional support from friends and counselors.
    • Counseling and Testing Center: 527-2147
    • Walla Walla county Assault Hotline: 529-9922
    • National Sexual Assault Helpline: (800) 656-4673

If you witness a sexual assault

  • 在紧急情况下拨打911,为受害者提供情感和身体上的支持.
  • If the victim is not in imminent danger, call any number below to report the assault:
    • 校园安全: 527-2222
    • College Place 警察: 525-7773
    • Dean of Women: 527-2531
    • Dean of Men: 527-2111
    • Counseling and Testing Center: 527-2147
    • College Place 健康诊所: 382-8349
    • Walla Walla County Assault Hotline: 529-9922

First aid and medical instructions


  • Call 911 for a serious injury or illness.
  • Keep victim still and comfortable and do not move them.
  • Check breathing and pulse. If victim has no pulse and you have been trained, perform CPR.
  • Control serious bleeding by applying direct pressure on wound.
  • Look for emergency medical ID, Medic-Alert标签, question witnesses and give all information to 校园安全 or emergency responders when they arrive.


On signal by alarm or other authority, if it is safe to do so, evacuate to the following locations outside of your building and check in with the Building Coordinator. 当到达以下位置时,请前往指定的疏散区域.


政府 Building


Canaday Technology Center

Northwest of building




Havstad 校友 Center



Marketing and Enrollment Services


Peterson Memorial 图书馆



Technical Services and 保管的

Grounds and Powerhouse


Risk & 安全管理


Southeast of building

Spiritual Life Center



West of entry in parking lot


Village 住房 Office

Winter Educational Complex 

  • Gymnasiums, fitness center and pool
    大厦西面 on field


Evacuation of disabled persons


  • Be aware of persons in your area who could assist you.
  • If you cannot speak loudly, carry a whistle or other object to help you attract attention.
  • Give clear instructions as to your needs and preferences.

To help disabled persons

  • Ask disabled person if he or she needs help. Do not move the person unless they have given you permission.
  • 只有在确保生命安全的必要情况下,才能让人上下楼梯.
  • Do not use elevator during fire or earthquake.
  • 协助残疾人士到最近和最安全的出口或安全区域, usually the stairway to the ground floor.
  • Assist person to designated assembly area.
  • 提醒急救人员注意残疾人的位置.


Visually impaired persons
In an emergency, tell the person the nature of the emergency and offer to guide him/her. 当你走路时,告诉对方你在哪里,并告诉他有什么障碍. When you have reached safety, 引导对方到他/她所在的位置,并询问是否需要进一步的帮助.

Hearing impaired persons
Persons with impaired hearing may not perceive emergency alarms and an alternative warning technique is required. Warning methods include writing a note about the emergency and evacuation route or turning the light switch on and off. 然后通过手势或文字表明正在发生什么以及该怎么做.

Persons using crutches, canes or walkers
Ask if the person needs assistance to evacuate. 提供指导 him/her to the emergency exit. 如果有必要的话, carrying options include using a two-person lock arm position or having the person sit in a sturdy chair, 最好是有胳膊能把椅子拖出大楼的人. 只有在确保生命安全的必要情况下,才能让人上下楼梯.

Persons in wheelchairs
Wheelchairs may have parts not intended for lifting. Batteries or life support equipment may be connected. Lifting the person could be harmful. Ask the person how you can help. Determine if the person wants to be removed from the chair. Determine if the person wants to be carried down a flight of stairs; forward or backward. Ask what type of assistance he/she will need after evacuation. 只有在确保生命安全的必要情况下,才能让人上下楼梯.

Learning disabilities
协助人员,为他们指明方向并引导他们到紧急出口. 在紧急情况发生之前和他们一起练习疏散程序. 提供指导.



Learn what to do in case of fire. View WWU’s fire safety procedures >


Be prepared in the event of an active shooter. Remember: Run, Hide, Fight. Learn how to respond >

e2Campus 紧急 Notification

沃拉沃拉大学使用e2Campus来方便紧急通知. With e2Campus users can receive notification messages through their campus email address and their mobile phone. Sign up for e2campus or update your information >

年度安全 & 消防安全报告

The Annual Clery Report includes the crime and fire statistics as reported to Walla Walla University Security and the College Place 警察 Department in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Clery Act. 

Drug and 酒精政策

Walla Walla University is committed to an environment of learning that supports the fullest possible human development. 为了实现这一目标, the University holds that a drug-free lifestyle is essential and thus maintains policies that seek an alcohol-free, 无烟, and drug-free campus environment.
Read the policy >